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“Think Before You Speak”


Can you be forgiven for taking God's name in vain?  A lot of people say it, and they are not cursing God.  I know it is wrong; I don't think people think about what they are saying.

Loose Lips

Dear Loose Lips,

We can be forgiven for using the Lord’s name in vain, but only if we repent and turn to the Lord.  God has provided a means for all sins to be forgiven – His Son’s blood.  When we become christians (read “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” for details on how to become a christian), all sins are forgiven, even our previous blasphemy against God.  It is true that many people don’t think about what they are saying, but that is not an excuse… it is an explanation.  Ignorant sin is still sin (Acts 17:30).  Only in Christ can we have salvation… and each of us has a responsibility to seek Christ (Acts 17:26-27).