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“A Regular Reader”


I have been having an urge to read my Bible lately, but when I sit down to actually do so, it's so intimidating.  I don't know where to start, and I can think of at least five things that I want to look at.  Please help!

Sincerely, Study Stress

Dear Study Stress,

The key to any kind of worship or Bible study is to make it a regular habit.Daniel had a habit of praying (Dan 6:10).Make a decision to put Bible study into your day first (Matt 6:33) and schedule other things around it.Most people fail to study their Bibles because it isn’t a part of their regular life.Make it a part of your morning routine, your lunch break, or bedtime ritual.Somehow schedule it into your life and make it a habit.

After you do that, it is just a matter of what you want to learn first.Many people read a Psalm a day, a chapter of Proverbs each week, or use a ‘read the Bible in a year program’, or you grab one of those five things you want to look at and read away.Any of these is a perfectly acceptable system.In fact, you can buy Bibles that are organized, so that you read a little of the Old Testament and a little of the New Testament every day.For new Bible students, I often recommend reading the gospel of Matthew or the gospel of John first, so that you become acquainted with Christ’s life; then follow that up with the book of Acts and familiarize yourself with the first century church.

The goal is to study your Bible, not just read it.God tells us to study to show ourselves approved (2 Tim 2:15) and to meditate upon God’s Word (Ps 119:15).You could read through an entire book of the Bible in an hour or so but fail to appreciate any of it. Read your Bible with a notepad beside you and a pen or highlighter in hand.Write down your questions and get them answered.Highlight meaningful verses.If you don’t understand something, don’t move on until you do.It is more important that you understand than that you read a large portion of text.And lastly, enjoy your Bible reading time; you are reading the most influential and meaningful book on the planet!