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Sin's Disasters

Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Does the Bible give us an explanation of why God allows natural disasters to happen and sometimes even take the lives of loved ones?

Shaken Up

Dear Shaken Up,

Natural disasters are a byproduct of sin.  When God created the universe, He made everything good (Gen 1:31).  The world didn’t have disease, thorns, suffering, and all the other problems we see today.  Originally, Adam and Eve lived in the perfect paradise of the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:8).  It is only after Adam and Eve were cast from the Garden because of their sin that all the problems we see today began.  The first recorded earthquake didn’t happen until the days of Noah when all the world had turned to violence and evil (Gen 6:5-7).  When the world was flooded because of sin, God broke open the fountains of the deep, which would surely have quaked the planet (Gen 7:11).  The first recorded natural disaster (Noah’s flood) was caused because of sin.  It was mankind’s sin that forced God to flood the Earth to save Noah’s righteous family (1 Pet 3:20). God wanted paradise and peace for mankind, but we have warped His creation because of our sin.

Reading The Ending First

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
     I've always been told that there is a rapture and that Revelation is about the future... but the more I am trying to read, learn, and understand the Bible, the more I'm confused about the end!  I've heard from some of my friends in Christ that Revelation is about the past Roman Empire!!  Please help. I am so confused.

Book Befuddled

Dear Book Befuddled,

Your friends are right.  The book of Revelation is about the past, and the "Rapture" isn't something you will find in the Bible.  If you want to understand the book of Revelation, we have a class series on the topic that can be found here.  The Rapture is an idea that comes from taking parts of the Bible out of context.  That class series should help you put it back in context.

Babel Beginnings

Monday, April 13, 2020
Why do we have people with different colors of skin?

Color Blind

Dear Color Blind,

We all came from Adam and Eve (Gen 3:20).  Eventually, mankind was scattered across the whole earth after the Tower of Babel (Gen 11:9).  Different races were created as these scattered groups became more isolated.  This is very similar to how you see parents and children looking alike – they share noticeable physical traits because they are closely related.  The groups that were scattered from the Tower of Babel were isolated by their language differences, and therefore only married amongst their specific language group.  This isolated intermarrying created distinct physical characteristics that differentiated one group from another (i.e. skin color, eye shape, face shape, hair color).  The different races of the world are nothing more than large family groups created after the Tower of Babel.

Ready For That Day

Thursday, May 16, 2019
     Hello, preacher.  I am a sixteen-year-old young lady who is living in fear, and I want it to stop.  I’m scared that God will come at this very moment, and I had an anxiety attack over that.  I’m scared of death, and I’m trying to accept it because it is a part of life, but it just scares me so much.  I’m also scared that if I die, God won’t accept me in His kingdom, and I don’t want to go to hell.  I feel like I’m living in fear, waiting for the worse to happen, when I want to live in faith and wait for good to happen.  Please help me get over this fear.


Dear Afraid,

We fear that which we don’t feel prepared for.  Someday, Jesus will return, and we need to all be ready for that day.  Anyone that tells you they know when Jesus will return is lying because the Bible says He will return like a thief in the night when we least expect it (1 Thess 5:2-3).  However, Jesus will return, and whether it happens two days from now or two hundred years from now, we must all be prepared to meet our Maker.  There are two things that you can do to make sure you are ready for the Judgment Day.  The first is to make sure you have properly obeyed the Bible and become a christian. Read “Five Steps To Salvation” for exactly what the Bible says God expects us to do to get forgiveness from our sins.  After you have made sure to obey the Bible’s call for salvation, God expects us to live a life of faith where we learn and grow closer to Him (1 Pet 2:1-2).  One of the most important parts of that growth process is to become involved with a faithful church that can help you learn and encourage you as you grow (Heb 10:24-25).  Not all churches are faithful, and there is a lot of false teaching in the religious world (1 Jn 4:1, Matt 24:11).  We would be happy to help you find a faithful congregation near you; just e-mail us at

Tinsel Trouble

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
     Why do christians celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, and the Bible does not mention that day?  Why do we have to follow the Catholic church?  It was a day they used to celebrate the sun.

Un-Sunny Disposition

Dear Un-Sunny Disposition,

Many people believe Christmas to be a spiritual holiday, but the Bible never commands us to celebrate Jesus’ birth on December 25th (the truth is, no one knows when Jesus was born, but it was most likely in the spring or summer because the shepherds were out – Lk 2:15).  Christians are commanded to remember Jesus’ death every first day of the week (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor 11:24-25)… we are never commanded to remember His birth on an annual basis.  Christmas is not a biblical holiday.  There is nothing wrong with celebrating it as a family holiday, but it is wrong to teach that there is a biblical foundation to it.

Christmas can be traced back to the Roman pagan holiday of Winter Solstice (also known as ‘Saturnalia’ because it was in worship of the god, Saturn).  As Catholicism tried to integrate itself into a pagan Roman world, Christmas was instituted by Pope Julius I on December 25th as a way to assimilate the pagans into a Catholic worldview.  In short, Christmas has never been a truly biblical holiday; it is a manmade tradition with no bearings upon your salvation.

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