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Different, But Better

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Is it true that when Jesus comes back and we go with Him, we will no longer be married to our spouses?  I just found the love of my life.  I believe Jesus is coming soon; can you help with this question?

In Love

Dear In Love,

We won’t be married in heaven, but we will be closer to our loved ones than we can even imagine.  Jesus says in Matt 22:30 that there will be no marriage in heaven.  However, in heaven, there will be no sorrow, no death, no sin, and no pain (Rev 21:3-4).  Heaven will be full of the most healthy and fulfilling relationships that mankind is capable of having.  Just make sure you and your spouse both put God first, so you can see each other there!

The Break Of Day

Saturday, June 29, 2013
I would like to know at what time Jesus actually came forth from the tomb.  Our preacher tells us that it was sometime after sunrise on Sunday morning.  But I have always been taught that using the Jewish time-table, the day actually began at about 6:00 PM and that Jesus actually raised a little after 6:00 PM Saturday.  Does this make sense to you?  I will await your answer with great anticipation.

Setting My Clock

Dear Setting My Clock,

The Jewish day began at dusk of the previous day (roughly 6 PM), but the Bible specifically says that Jesus came out of the tomb when the sun was coming up on Sunday morning.  Matt 28:1-2 says that Jesus’ tomb was opened “toward dawn”; the Greek word used there means ‘as it grew light’.  The angel rolled back the stone as it grew light on Sunday morning.  Although Jesus could have risen from the grave as early as 6 PM Saturday night (which counted as Sunday to the Jews), He didn’t come forth until daybreak.

Mixed Signals

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
When Jesus was speaking with His disciples and predicting His suffering, execution, and resurrection, Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked Him saying, "This shall not happen to You!"  Jesus responded by rebuking Satan when He says, "Get behind Me Satan!"  (Matthew 16:22-23).  So obviously, what Peter said was inspired by Satan.

Then, later on, the Scripture says that Satan entered into Judas; then Judas decided to betray Jesus into the hands of those who wanted to kill Him.  (Luke 22:3 - 5)

My question is this:  Why would Satan try to turn Jesus away from going to the cross through Peter… only to go into Judas to ensure that Jesus WOULD go to the cross?  I'd like your thoughts on this matter because I believe it's a pretty interesting question.

Motive Monitor

Dear Motive Monitor,

Satan is the author of lies and murder (Jhn 8:44).  If there is any chaos, damage, or trouble that the devil can cause God and His children… he’ll do it (1 Pet 5:8).  Satan tried to pit Peter against Jesus by getting him to rebuke Jesus, and he also tried to pit (successfully) Judas against Jesus by getting him to betray Jesus.  Satan sows discord wherever possible.  It is not necessary to have an overarching plan when you are causing trouble; all Satan has to do is throw a monkey wrench in the works wherever he can.  In fact, Satan didn’t even realize how Jesus was going to save mankind – even the angels were unaware of Christ’s plans (1 Pet 1:12).  Satan was just doing what he always does, trying to tear people away from God by whatever means possible.

Don't Mark Me Off!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
I have a question referring to the time when tribulation falls upon the earth.  What if someone who is going through tribulation recognizes  the Lord’s existence and repents for his sins, and truly accepts Jesus, but is  knocked out or drugged to where he becomes unaware of his surroundings and has no say or right to what happens to his body, and receives the mark of the beast?  He awakens to realize he has received an unforgivable mark and will go to hell.  Would God prevent something like this from happening, or could the person repent for this if he had no choice?  If the Antichrist was smart, wouldn't he force or drug (a drug that physically prevents you from making decisions such as a sedative, not deception) mankind to give them the mark without consent?

Tattoo Terror

Dear Tattoo Terror,

The teaching that there will be a specific Antichrist that will take over the world at a future date is an erroneous doctrine that has confused many.  The Bible specifically says that anyone who deceives and mocks Christ is an antichrist (2 Jn 1:7).  The apostle John mentions that there are many antichrists (1 Jn 2:18).  The word ‘antichrist’ simply means ‘against Christ’.  Anyone who stands up in opposition to the teachings of Jesus is an antichrist.

The ‘mark of the beast’ is a reference to Rev 13:17.  There are two things that we need to keep in mind whenever we discuss the book of Revelation.  First, it is a symbolic book (John says he will be writing in ‘signs’ - Rev 1:1); many of today’s false doctrines have been created by treating symbolic language as literal.  Second, the book of Revelation prophesies of events that were to “shortly come to pass” (Rev 1:1) and events that were “at hand” (Rev 1:3).  The book of Revelation isn’t dealing with a future tribulation for the church – but the suffering that christians of the first century were about to endure at the hands of their countrymen.  If you would like a full understanding of the book of Revelation – listen to our class series on the topic.

The end result is that you need not fear the mark of the beast, nor is that mark a literal insignia upon people’s flesh.  We always have a choice, and no one will ever accidently be condemned to hell.

Be Prepared For Some Good News!

Monday, June 17, 2013
Was the gospel preached before the day of pentecost?

Gospel Guardian

Dear Gospel Guardian,

Jesus lived as a Jew, spoke to Jews, answered Jewish questions, and preached Christianity.  Jesus preached the good news of the kingdom which was to come.  Matt 4:23, Matt 9:35, Matt 11:5, Mk 8:35, Lk 4:18-19, and Lk 7:22 all say that Jesus came preaching the gospel to His kinsmen.  Jesus preached that there was a change coming and that all the world needed to be prepared for it.  Jesus preached the message of a kingdom that was soon to be, the kingdom of Christ that He would buy with His own blood (Acts 20:28).  That kingdom didn’t actually come into the day of Pentecost, but Jesus preached the good news (‘gospel’ means ‘good news’) before that day.

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