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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Church Politics”

My family and I go to a small Baptist church.  One deacon didn't like the preacher even though the congregation loved him.  The deacon didn't like the way the preacher walked back and forth across the pulpit, and the preacher was too emotional when he gave testimony.  Our preacher resigned, and we lost over half the congregation because of it.  My two kids and one other are the only children there now.  My husband won't go back because he thinks it is corrupt now.  I asked him if we can go visit other churches, and he said, “Why?  If one is corrupt, they all are.”  How can I convince him they are not all corrupt?  I want to keep my family in church.  I don't know what to do.  My kids are getting where they don't want to go on Wednesday night now because they are the only kids there.

Grasping At Straws

Dear Grasping At Straws,

There are congregations all around the country that aren't corrupted by denominationalism, personal opinions, or traditions.  Our recommendation is that you show our article "Down With Denominationalism" to your husband and read it together.  There are so many problems with modern religion, and it all comes down to opinions being placed above Scripture.  When we leave the Bible pattern, all sorts of chaos and trouble ensues (2 Tim 1:13).  The church is supposed to be the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim 3:15), but most churches have become places for petty arguments or the latest worship fad.

We know of congregations all over that reject this philosophy and really do put the Bible first.  It may be hard for your husband to believe because he has seen so much of the opposite, but it is true.  Just because there are lots of bad mechanics doesn't mean that you stop driving a car – just because there are lots of bad churches doesn't mean we can give up on the Lord.  Comb through past articles on our site, and you'll see that we do our very best to always give book, chapter, and verse for what we do.  Our congregation isn't alone, and if you want, we can help you find one near you that has the same attitude.  Feel free to e-mail us at with any further questions or if we can help you locate a church.