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“Medical Wisdom”

     A close friend of mine is a devout Christian.  She has Type 1 diabetes, but beyond taking insulin to stay alive, she ignores the health care system totally.  She has medical insurance; I think she’s trusting her health to God almost 100%.  Does the Word of God sanctify this?  I know faith in God is important, but I am concerned…

Troubled Friend

Dear Troubled Friend,

If your question is whether or not a Christian is allowed to use doctors and medicine, the answer is ‘yes’.  Paul told Timothy to take wine medicinally for a sick stomach (1 Tim 5:23), and Jas 5:14 describes the elders praying and using oil, a common general ointment, when someone is sick.  God told mankind to take dominion of this world and use it for our good – this includes the creation and use of medicine (Gen 1:26).  Using medicine is not in opposition to having faith in God.  As for how much and when each individual should use medicine, that is up to each person’s discretion and wisdom.