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“Give Up The Ghost”

I need help.  Every time someone in our family passes away, my son gets scared.  People that are adults have told him that people who have passed can come back and visit us.  He will not sleep alone for a long time by himself.  My aunt just passed away this week, and we are dealing with it again.  I do not know if this spirit or ghost thing is true or not because I have not ever seen one.  I do not want to tell him lies, so I figured the best thing is to ask a preacher if it is true or made up, and I will explain it to him.  Thank you and hope you can help.

Ghost Buster

Dear Ghost Buster,

Death is a very difficult concept for children to cope with, and myths can make a tricky subject even more trying.  When people die, they do not come back to visit us.  Heb 9:27 says that when we die, we go to meet God – we don’t come back.  Lk 16:19-23 tells us that when people die, good or bad, they go to Paradise or torments.  Ghost stories and tales of spirits are just that – stories and tales.  You can confidently tell your son that no one is coming back to visit him, and he can rest easy knowing God is in control.