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“You Can't Get Everything On eBay”

Is it wrong for someone to order a mail-order bride from Russia?


Dear Groomsman,

There is nothing sinful with an arranged marriage… but we would seriously caution against the lack of wisdom involved in marrying someone without knowing their values.  Marriage is a lifetime commitment (1 Cor 7:39).  Granted, we have very little experience with mail-order nuptials, but it is our suspicion that such arrangements rarely are built upon the foundation of faith in Christ.  Will your bride be a christian?  Will she take your vows as seriously as you must?  What are your motives behind an arranged marriage?  What are hers?  All of these are questions that you should ask yourself.  Marriage is one of the first things God ever ordained (Gen 2:24)… and aside from becoming a christian is the most important decision you will ever make.  It isn’t to be taken lightly.