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Group Dynamics

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Is it okay for a congregation to not have elders?  What if there aren't any qualified men in the group?

Not Old Enough

Dear Not Old Enough,

It is definitely God’s desire for congregations to appoint elders and deacons, but if a congregation doesn’t yet have elders, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are unfaithful.  In Tit 1:5, Paul instructed Titus to appoint elders in the congregations in Crete, but it is also worth noting that there were already congregations in Crete!  The congregations needed elders, but they were already faithful.  When Paul and Barnabas preached together, they didn’t appoint elders in the churches of Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch until they were on the return trip (Acts 14:21-23).  That means that each of those cities were originally without elders.
A congregation that refuses to put elders in place is fighting against God’s will, but many congregations are too young or too new to have qualified men who meet the requirements for elders found in 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Tit 1:5-9.  The question is whether a congregation is working toward an eldership or whether they are disregarding the command.

The Indwelling

Thursday, June 28, 2012
     My question is in reference to the Holy Spirit.  Do all people who are truly saved have the Holy Spirit?  Will you go to hell if you don't have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?  How do you know for sure that you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit if you don't speak in tongues?

God In Me?

Dear God In Me,

The gifts of the Holy Spirit that allowed people to perform miracles (like speaking in tongues) were received through the direct laying on of hands of the apostles (Acts 8:17-18). These gifts of the Holy Spirit no longer exist because they ended with the last person that the last apostle laid his hands upon.

Christians do have the Holy Spirit dwell in them (Rom 8:9) – but not literally. The Holy Spirit dwells in Christians in the same metaphorical way that Christ dwells in Christians (Rom 8:10). The Holy Spirit and Jesus do not physically dwell inside Christians miraculously. They dwell within Christians in a figurative way because a Christian’s life follows the path the Holy Spirit and Christ set for them.

The Holy Spirit dwells in those that follow the Bible and put to death their previous sinful lifestyles (Rom 8:12-14). The Holy Spirit gave us the Bible, and when we follow it, we are led by the Spirit (read “What The Holy Spirit Does” for further details). Those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God, and the Spirit dwells in them (Rom 8:14-16).

If you would like more information on this topic, we have an entire series of sermons on the Holy Spirit that can be downloaded or viewed by clicking here.

Doing Our Best

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
     I understand you cannot work for your salvation or do anything but believe in Christ, confess Him, be baptized for remission of sins (calling on His name), and repent from your former conduct.  But does a person have to work for their final salvation?  The Bible teaches Christian conduct, and some have said it is everything.  Now this scares me to an extent because how perfect and holy does one have to be to ensure their salvation if it is based on Christian conduct and obedience?


Dear Imperfect,

You are correct; we have free will, and you do have to work to maintain your relationship with God.  Faith doesn’t mean God takes control, and you become incapable of falling away.
  The Bible says that we are saved by faith (Eph 2:8), but it never says that we are saved by faith only.  The Scriptures mention a lot of things that are involved in our salvation.  We are saved by hope (Rom 8:24).  We are saved by baptism (1 Pet 3:21).  We are saved by the love of the truth (2 Thess 2:10).  All of these things are involved in your salvation.  In order to understand a topic, we must look at the sum of God’s Word on that subject (Ps 119:160).
  Faith is hearing what God says (Rom 10:17)… and then acting upon it.  It is impossible to be a faithful person and live an unrepentant life.  Faith is more than belief; even the demons believe in God (Jas 2:19).  Faith is belief combined with action.  We must be hearers and doers of God’s Word (Jas 1:22)… it isn’t about living a perfect life but living a life loyal to God and His Word.  A loyal Christian will still stumble, but they are always attempting to live a life that would please God.  God has given us an immense gift – one we could never pay for ourselves.  However, He expects us to reach out and seize that gift.

Hidden Sins

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
     I am having a problem.  I have friends that I introduced to my church two years ago.  Some are doing ministry work, and one couple had their wedding vows renewed yesterday, so they could do it this time under God’s blessing, but I know at home, they are hanging out, and they drink every day of the week (not that they are drunk, but very high), and they have my pastor and everyone else fooled.  It is really bothering my husband and I, and we don’t hang out with them anymore because we don't drink anymore and haven't in a while, and they don’t even act like we are friends anymore, but I am wondering: should I say anything or just let God handle it?

Former Friend

Dear Former Friend,

When we know that someone in the church is actively leading a sinful life, we are supposed to go to them and talk to them about it in hopes of restoring them.  If that doesn’t work, we should bring others with us so that the seriousness of the issue can be addressed properly (after all, maybe you are wrong.  Impartial witnesses help all people involved).  And lastly, if that doesn’t work, the church leadership should begin the discipline process.  All of these steps are outlined in Matt 18:15-17.

It sounds like you and your husband have previously made your sentiments known to these individuals.  Now it is time to get someone else (probably the church leadership) involved.

On a separate note, it sounds like your congregation has only one pastor; you might want to read our article “Two Are Better Than One” on the necessity for multiple pastors in a church.

Does It Really Matter?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Could God have created our universe out of the existing matter (at His disposal) by just speaking to it?

Seeing Stars

Dear Seeing Stars,

He could have, but He didn’t.  Jhn 1:3 makes it clear that nothing that was made was ever made without God creating it.  God is the beginning of all things, and there is no matter or physical creation that existed before Him (Rev 22:13).  God didn’t just rearrange the existing molecules to create our universe; He created those molecules.

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