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Keep The Matzos

Friday, October 07, 2016
Why are the Jews so stiff-necked about the New Testament?


Dear Gentile,

The Jews of the first-century and the Jewish community of today don’t want to accept the New Testament because Jesus wasn’t the kind of Messiah they were (and are) expecting.  Jesus came to set up a spiritual kingdom (Jhn 18:36), and instead of creating a powerful, physical Israel… He died a gruesome death.  The Jews were anticipating a physical restoration of their nation (Acts 1:6), but Jesus created a spiritual kingdom that dwells within the hearts of faithful men and women (Lk 17:21).  When the Jews tried to make Jesus an earthly king, He refused (Jhn 6:15).  Jesus’ death is a stumbling block and offense to any Jew expecting a powerful and mighty Messiah (1 Cor 1:23).  Jesus just wasn’t the kind of king they wanted.

There Can Be Only One

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
I have pondered about the idea of a messiah.  It seemed to me that all cultures and religions have a savior.  It seems to me quite possible that God sent His son, or Himself, or the third iteration of Himself (however one interprets the messiah) to all different peoples to lead them around the same time, essentially.  And presently, Satan exploits this to make humans fight each other because we all worship the same god.  So any theism works… that is what I'm trying to say and what I think.

Is Jesus Christ special, or was Isus the Egyptian messiah, or Allah, or Krishnu, or Jehovah just as good?

Open Minded

Dear Open Minded,

Jesus is special, and He left no room for other gods.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jhn 14:6).  Jesus was either the one and only Messiah – or He was a crazy lunatic.  Jesus teaches that we can only have one Master (Matt 23:10) and that serving anyone else is a sin.  Jesus taught that we either confess Him as the Christ, or we will be denied before God (Lk 12:8-9).  Jesus cannot coexist with other gods.  The Bible is clear – there can be only one (Eph 4:4-6).  Isus, Allah, Krishnu, etc. are all false gods.

Second Time Is A Charm

Thursday, July 28, 2016
Christians believe that Jesus did almost everything in fulfilling the prophecy here on Earth, and what He didn't do, He will do in His second coming.  Jews believe there is nowhere in the Bible that says their Messiah will come back a second time, so they just believe Jesus was some crazy guy.

Please, show me Scriptures on this subject.  Where in the Bible does it say Jesus will come back for a SECOND time… and do I have the general idea right?

Thank you so much for your time.  I don't know the Bible like I SHOULD.  But I'm going to fix that.  Thank you, again.

Repeat Visit?

Dear Repeat Visit,

When Jesus ascended into heaven, the angels promised the apostles that someday Jesus would return in exactly the same way as He left (Acts 1:10-11).  The Scriptures are very clear that Jesus will someday return to claim His people (1 Thess 4:13-18).  You are right on the money with that part.

Jesus’ second coming isn’t the reason the Jews don’t believe He is the Messiah.  The reason they don’t believe He is the Messiah is because He died on the cross and never saved them from Rome.  The Jews expected a Messiah that would save them from their physical enemies and set up a powerful kingdom on earth.  However, Jesus’ kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, not a physical one (Jhn 18:36).  The Jews mocked Jesus while He was on the cross because they believed His crucifixion clearly proved He wasn’t the Savior (Lk 23:35).  In short, the Jews expected a physical king, and Jesus came as a spiritual king.  They never accepted Him because of it.

A Meal To Remember

Thursday, June 02, 2016
I keep getting conflicting info on this, and I ache for clarification and truth.

God commanded His people to observe the Sabbath and Feast days (even Jesus and His disciples did), and whoever believes on Jesus' name are His people.  Jesus didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it and make it better (with His gift of the Holy Spirit and circumcision of our hearts), and so the law still stands.  Why do so many christians think it is okay not to observe them?

Because I am not a Jew, is it crazy/worthless for me to observe these days?  I'm only trying to follow Jesus' examples.  What is so wrong with that?

Eaten Up By This

Dear Eaten Up By This,

Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law when He died upon the cross (Lk 24:44-47).  The Old Testament law was a tutor to lead us to Christ, but now that Christ is here, we are no longer under that law (Gal 3:24-25). We are told to not worry about feasts and festivals in the New Testament (Col 2:16).  Jews kept the feast days; christians keep the New Testament, the law of Christ (Gal 6:2).

Help For Hannukah

Saturday, July 12, 2014
     Should all nations support Israel as God's chosen people, so each nation will not be condemned by God?


Sending Support

Dear Sending Support,

The Jews are not Jesus’ chosen people; the church is.  Jesus says that christians are His royal priesthood and chosen race (1 Pet 2:9).  Under the Old Testament, the Jewish people were God’s nation (Deut 7:6).  The Jewish nation was warned that if they rejected God’s Son, they would be rejecting God, and God would make a new nation out of those who believed in Christ (Jesus explained this to the Jews in the parable of the vineyard – Lk 20:9-19).  The vast majority of Jews didn’t believe in Jesus, and therefore, they never became a part of Jesus’ kingdom.  Jesus’ chosen people are those that love Him and keep His commandments (Jhn 14:15).  The Jewish people rejected God because they would rather have their traditions than God’s Son (Mk 7:9).

There is a great deal of confusion over this issue today because some churches teach that Israel is still God’s chosen nation – this is false.  This false teaching that the Jews are God’s people and that God hasn’t yet set up His kingdom is called ‘premillenialism’.  Read our article entitled “Premillenialism” for details on why that teaching is wrong.  God already has a chosen nation – the church.

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