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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Born That Way”

Is iniquity something that you’re born with that drives you to commit sin?  Like, is it embedded within your bloodline or DNA?  I feel it is, but want to know for certain. Thanks.


Dear Geneticist,

The sum teachings of the Bible say that babies are born without sin, and babies are perfect in God’s sight.  Sin is not a birthright, nor is it in your DNA; it is a choice (Gen 4:6-7, Jas 1:13-15).  Humans sin when they choose to do wrong; they are not born in sin.

The false teaching of ‘original sin’ is very common in today’s society.  Sin is a choice we make in life (Isa 7:15-16), and all humans are born upright and good (Eccl 7:29).