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“Nyquil Not Pinot Noir”

Categories: GRAB BAG
     The Bible makes some references to drinking wine; is drinking wine a sin to a Christian?  I love the Lord and tend to have a glass of wine every now and then, but a friend of mine says I can't minister or be a good example if I continue to drink.  However, Paul tells Timothy, “No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.” (1 Timothy 5:23 NKJV)

I am not looking for an excuse but need an answer as far as the responsibilities when sharing the Word of God and being an example.

Seeking Answers

Dear Seeking Answers,

In 1Tim 5:23, Paul had to reassure Timothy that it was okay to use alcohol medicinally even though Timothy obviously had an aversion to ever touching alcohol.  1 Tim 5:23 actually serves as a warning against non-medicinal alcohol use instead of an encouragement to drink recreationally.
God never specifically condemns drinking wine, but He does condemn ‘strong drink’ (Pr 20:1), drinking parties (1 Pet 4:3), and drunkenness (Rom 13:13).  Almost all alcohol that is consumed today would fall into the category of ‘strong drink’ because our alcoholic beverages are artificially fermented to increase their alcoholic content (unlike the wine of Jesus’ day – read “That’s Just Grape” for further details on the wine Jesus drank).  We would all do well to heed the words of Pr 23:31-32 and avoid alcohol as much as is possible.