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“The Merciful Judge”

Why did Jesus have to die for our sins in order to be forgiven by God?  Couldn't God have just forgiven man without the sacrifice of His son?

Let’s Make A Deal

Dear Let’s Make A Deal,

Rom. 3:21-26 covers that specific question.  Jesus died on the cross because the Father wanted to justify us, and He also wanted to remain just.  It wouldn’t be fair for God to simply forgive our sins because He liked us.  That would be like a judge that punished the guilty… unless they were his friends.  Only a crooked judge would show that sort of partiality.  However, God is a righteous God.  God doesn’t deny that our sins deserve eternal death (Rom 3:23).  The Father sent His Son to pay the price for our sins.  It wouldn’t have been fair for God to show partiality, but it is fair for Him to pay the price of our sins for us.  It cost Jesus’ blood, but those who trust in Christ have been given the gift of having their punishment paid in full.