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“The Shape Of Pain”

They say that the cross is actually a pagan symbol used in pre-christian times, but I heard some people argued about this, saying that the pre-christian pagans actually used a plus-sign shaped cross rather than the T-shaped cross used in Christian churches, but I'm not sure about this.  Do you know exactly if some of the pre-christian crosses were T-shaped?

Geometry Student

Dear Geometry Student,

The cross referred to in Christianity doesn’t have religious origins… it was a torture device invented by the nation of Rome.  When Rome wanted to make an example out of a criminal, they would hang them from a cross.  Those crosses differed in shape from locale to locale.  Some were T-shaped, others more of a plus sign, and others were more of what we consider to be the traditional cross shape.  When Jesus was nailed to the cross (Jhn 19:17), we have no idea exactly what shape it was… but regardless of the shape, it still had the same excruciating results (Jhn 19:30).