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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“That Figures”

I have a friend who speaks about the Bible having figurative language in it.  How would you respond to this comment?

Mr. Metaphor

Dear Mr. Metaphor,

The Bible does use figurative language, but so do you.  Every time you say, “I’m dead on my feet”, “That guy really missed the boat”, or “I’m as happy as a lark” – you are using figurative language.  Figurative language is a normal part of human conversation.  The Bible uses it just like you do.  The important thing to remember is that speech can only be considered figurative in certain circumstances.

  1. If the writer or speaker specifically tells you that the language is figurative.  For example, Rev 1:1 says that the things in the book are ‘signified’, a word in Greek that means ‘symbolized’.
  2. Context demands that it be considered figurative… like when Jesus says that we are “the salt of the earth” (Matt 5:13).  It wouldn’t make sense if He were trying to say that people are literally made of salt.

Bible writings should be considered literal unless there is a reason to believe otherwise – just like normal writings.  There is nothing wrong with saying the Bible uses figurative language; it is just important that we don’t assume something is figurative.  Always assume literal unless proven otherwise.