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“Caught In The Social Network”

     First, I want to say God bless all of you for taking the time to serve and feed us the truth about God’s Word.  All this information has been good for my soul.  I'm in a church where truly I'm not being fed; I'm more connected to the people.  My heart cries out for the people to desire, hunger, thirst, and truly be on fire for God.  To make this short, it's like my spirit is hungry for more.  It’s like people are just going through the motions.

I Love The People

Dear I Love The People,

Your question brings up a fundamental issue – why do we go to church?  Is it for the people?  Or is there more to a “good” church than just finding people you like to spend time with?

The Bible says that we have a responsibility to assemble with other christians (Heb 10:24-25), but it also says that we need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Php 2:12).  Christianity isn’t a team sport – we are each responsible for our own relationship with God, and we are each responsible for holding to the truth of God’s Word for ourselves.  Faith is built upon the truth of the Bible (Rom 10:17), and if you are at a congregation that doesn’t feed you the truth, it doesn’t matter how chummy you all are with each other.  Good people are a blessing, but truth always trumps friendships.