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“Filling The Pulpit”

How do I become a preacher?

Career Oriented

Dear Career Oriented,

Preachers always start out the same way – as christians.  When Paul enlisted Timothy to preach, he did so because Timothy was well spoken of amongst the brotherhood (Acts 16:1-3).  There is no magic formula for how to become a preacher.  Study (2 Tim 2:15) is the biggest key.  Any man who desires to preach needs to know his Bible (1 Pet 3:15).  The Bible pattern for preaching often involved an apprenticeship with an already existing preacher (i.e. Timothy and Titus studying with Paul).  Ultimately, every preacher started out as someone preparing himself to be of use to the Lord (2 Tim 2:21), and that preparation readied him to step into preaching when the opportunity presented itself.