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“Glam Scam”

Categories: GRAB BAG
I got a pretty ring in a market a while ago, and the design is a backwards S.  I curiously looked up the meaning of a backwards S, and someone said it meant all things un-holy/saintly or devoid of spirit.  I am not sure if it is correct, but I don't think I should wear it if it is.  Please help!

Jewelry Junkie

Dear Jewelry Junkie,

Many people wear jewelry that depicts ancient idolatrous behavior (almost all Native American artwork falls into this category).  As Paul said, “we know that an idol is nothing” (1 Cor 8:4).  Just because something once stood for something wrong, doesn’t mean it still does.  We couldn’t find anything that verifies the idea that a backward ‘S’ stands for unholiness, but even if it once did, that doesn’t mean it still does in our modern culture.  The jewelry has no intrinsic evil to it; it is only if it is perceived as an item of worship or if it is making a statement of faith (or anti-faith in this case) that it becomes sinful.  If people believed you were wearing the jewelry for religious purposes (or if it offended your conscience), you would have to stop (1 Cor 8:7-9).