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“Snakes In Vain”

In Exodus 7:11, God told Moses and Aaron to throw the staff down and let it become a snake in front of the Pharaoh.  Why did God let the Pharaoh's magicians do the same thing with their staves?

Why would God allow them to do that (or do it for them) when He was trying to prove that Moses and Aaron were from Him?

Serpent Stupor

Dear Serpent Stupor,

The Pharaoh’s magicians used good old-fashioned parlor tricks to turn their staves into snakes.  They used their “enchantments” to make the serpents appear – no differently than the impressive, but explainable acts of today’s illusionists (Ex 7:11).  The difference was that Moses’ serpent ate their serpents (Ex 7:12)!  The evidence was clear; Moses’ “trick” was different.  Eventually, even the magicians admitted that the one true God was behind Moses’ miracles (Ex 8:19).