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“Ssssomethings We Don't Know”

According to Genesis 3:1-14, the serpent of Eden spoke like a human would speak.  My question is: was the serpent the only animal that talked?  Was he the only serpent on earth at that time?  Or could other animals have talked, and it’s just that the Bible doesn't mention it?  I ask because Genesis only mentions the talking snake and not any other talking animal.

Questioning Cobras

Dear Questioning Cobras,

You are right; the Bible doesn’t mention that detail.  Where the Bible is silent, we must be silent, too (Deu 12:32).  Sometimes, we simply aren’t given the specifics of a situation.  We don’t know whether the serpent spoke because the devil was using that particular animal, and all other animals were unable to speak.  Or perhaps, at that time, other animals could speak as well – we are just simply never given the details.  The secret things belong to God, and what He has revealed to us in His Word is what we need to know and what is important (Deu 29:29).