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“Junkyard Dog”

Categories: SATAN
I've studied the Bible lately and have been growing in the Lord a lot.  I'm really excited that I can finally answer questions for my ever-curious ten-year-old little girl.  She recently asked to be saved by herself.  I am so proud and happy that she wants to know everything about our Lord and Savior, too.  However I can't answer this question completely yet... we both want to know: why does Satan have sooooo much power??  How come he can influence the world so much?  And why would God give him the authority of ruling over all things (evil and worldly) on this planet?  The answers in the Bible are not really clear to me, and I've yet to listen to a ministry message that talks about this or, at least, where to look it up.

The Curious Pair

Dear The Curious Pair,

Satan’s power is only strong enough to devour us if we want him to.  It is true that Satan is a roaring lion (1 Pet 5:8), and he has princely power on this planet (Eph 2:2), but God has chained this lion.  In the book of Job, we see that Satan is restrained by God (Job 1:12).  1 Cor 10:13 says that we cannot be tempted beyond what we are able to overcome.  Satan may be strong, but he cannot attack us unless we let him.  Like a rabid dog on a chain, he can only harm us if we get within the chain’s radius.  Satan doesn’t have total authority on this planet; in the end, Jesus is the king of all (Php 2:9-11).