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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“The Buck Stops Here”

Hello.  My home church has a lot of problems going on, and my opinion is that most of them stem from my pastor.  Where in the Bible does it say that the church is supposed to support the pastor and his family?  And if so, does that mean we have to support him and his family in every part of their lives?

Perplexed From The Pew

Dear Perplexed From The Pew,


The Bible does provide precedent for financially supporting those who preach and teach… but only if they are living godly lives and if the congregation desires to do so – it certainly isn’t a blank check for bad behavior.  Paul says that when a good man is preaching the gospel, we shouldn’t “muzzle the ox while it is threshing” (1 Cor 9:9-11), which is a fancy way of saying that when someone is doing the work, they ought to get paid for it.  After all, a worker is worth his hire (1 Tim 5:18).

Having said that, someone who is preaching needs to be actually doing good to be worth his hire.  Just like a bad employee – a congregation has every right to let a preacher go if he isn’t doing a good job.  We here at AYP don’t like the idea of being fired… but we also don’t like the idea of doing inferior work.

Another problem might be that your congregation is mixing up the roles of a pastor and a preacher.  Preachers preach and teach; pastors shepherd and lead the church.  Many churches today are having problems because they are giving preachers the authority to lead the church – when preachers only have the authority to teach.  Pastors must meet rigorous qualifications before they are allowed to lead the church (those qualifications are found in 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Tit 1:5-9).  Preachers are not required to meet those qualifications, but they also aren’t given the same level of authority.  Another difference between preachers and pastors is that pastors never serve alone.  There are no examples of a pastor leading a church – it is always pastors leading the church (read the article “One Too Few” for further details).  If a congregation’s leadership isn’t following the Bible’s patterns, that congregation will have major struggles.  This may or may not be the issue in your situation.

Suffice it to say, if this man is more of a harm than a help to the Lord’s work in your area – the congregation has every right to send him packing.