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“Revolving Around The Bible Pt. 2”


[This question is a follow-up to “Revolving Around The Bible”.]

     If churches that were still "figuring out" the correct pattern of benevolence were acceptable, why aren't they today?  How do we know they aren't still trying to figure things out?  Why do we condemn a church that is "liberal" when we were liberal at some point or possibly still are? It seems like we are quick to condemn now that we have the truth and intolerant to those who were like us not too long ago.

Authenticity Review

Dear Authenticity Review,

The key to the whole issue is whether or not a congregation is trying to draw near to biblical accuracy or just carelessly not “sweating the details” of God’s Word.  Since every congregation is autonomous, each congregation should be judged individually.  After all, that is what Christ did with the seven churches of Asia in Revelation 2 and 3.  Every congregation has faults, but the question for each church is: are they moving towards the Word or away from it?
We can’t make broad statements about independent congregations.  They are by very definition ‘independent’ and must be viewed as such.  Each group must be looked at based off of their own merits.  Even in the first century, churches were told their work must stand or fall before the Lord on its own (Acts 14:23).