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“The Restoration Movements”

According to the history of the "Church of Christ," God used certain men to "restore" the New Testament church in the early 1800's.  Where was the true New Testament church before then?  Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church (Matthew 16:18).  What happened to the church, and where was the truth it was responsible for preaching before God restored it?


History Buff

Dear History Buff,

Your question brings up a common misconception.  Most churches of Christ in America can trace their roots back to a movement in early American history commonly known as ‘the Restoration Movement’.  It is called the Restoration Movement because those spearheading the movement wanted to restore worship back to the ways of the New Testament.  They wanted to go back to the Bible for all of their answers and practices.  This is exactly what the Lord calls us to do (1 Cor 4:6, Josh 1:7, Jhn 14:6, Rev 22:18-19).

The misconception is that these were the first men to do this.  That is a myth.  America is not the first country to contain people who wanted to go back to God’s Word for all that they said and did.  Even within the Bible, we see people seeking to restore Bible-based worship.  King Josiah found a copy of the Law and told the people to return to God (2 Kgs 22:10-13).  Jesus told the Jews to go back to the Scriptures and understand what God was telling them (Mk 12:24).  Jesus warned against making traditions that usurped the authority of the Scriptures (Mk 7:10-13).

The church has never been destroyed, and throughout many, many ages (including the darkest ages of Catholicism), there have been people who have sought to honestly and humbly serve God.  The Restoration Movement in America is merely one story of people that have sought to put God’s Word back into its rightful place.  The Bible is the seed of the church (Lk 8:11).  When a group of people commits itself to do what the Bible says – no more and no less – a church is formed.  Many of these congregations in America use the name ‘church of Christ’ because it is a Biblical name (Rom 16:16), and it is a recognizable name to other christians who are looking for faithful churches… but make no mistake, the Restoration Movement in America wasn’t the first (and it won’t be the last) group of people that wanted simple Christianity.