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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Temporary Digs”

We have been meeting at a local elementary school for the past several months while some repairs are being done to our building.  Some of the members have been bringing potluck food items and using the cafeteria to eat together following Sunday worship.  I'm not sure if I should participate because I have never eaten at the building before.  Is this practice acceptable?  Please help.

Building My Case

Dear Building My Case,

The Lord’s church doesn’t have authority to use its funds and resources (a church building would count as part of those resources) for potlucks, social events, etc.  You are right on this issue – there is simply no biblical precedent for the church functioning as a social organization.  The work of the church is simple, and anything that doesn’t fulfill that work shouldn’t be done.  We posted an answer to a question regarding the work of the church.  Read “The Purpose Driven Church” for more details on that subject.

However, while you are meeting at this elementary school, we have no idea what the arrangement is.  Is the congregation paying to use this facility, are individuals paying for it, or is it free?  The potluck issue is only an issue if the congregation is renting the facility, but if they aren’t, or if individuals are renting the facility separately after services, there is no issue.